4 moves to ease your way into Crow Pose
Whether you like it or not, Crow pose / Bakasana is one of the foundational arm balances that sets you up for many other arm balances; so if eventually doing all those poses is a goal of yours, let’s start here. These 4 moves are great for anyone looking to refine their crow pose or are still working on building up the strength and balance required to float.
Move 1: Yoga squat / Malasana
Move 2: Crow-boat
Move 3: Supported tricep push-ups
Move 4: Crow glides
I hope these moves at least help you find a deeper understanding and connection to the way your body moves, whether you nail them or not. When it comes to how many to complete, that’s pretty much up to you. Sometimes I repeat all of these moves until fatigue, other times I work just a couple into a sequence. Whatever you choose to do, I encourage you to find a sense of playfulness, curiosity, and deep appreciation for all that your body is capable of doing already, because it’s a lot! And don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for trying new things, because THAT takes courage.
If there are any other poses you’d like demystified, feel free to click the button below to send over a request!